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Snow flake vegan cheesecakes

Snow flake vegan cheesecakes 💙 A creamy vegan cheesecake bite on a oat base with a little coconut cream on top. ️ 
Crust ingredients:
- 1 cup of dates (soaked)
- 1 1/2 cup of oats
- 1 tbsp agave syrup
Cheesecake Ingredients:
- 1/2 cup cashews (left soaking overnight)
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 2 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 tbsp Blue Spirulina
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp agar agar
1) Blend soaked dates to food processor until it forms a date paste. Then add oats and agave syrup. The mixture should come together into a dough.
2) We used a flexible cupcake tray to set the base. You should freeze these whilst preparing the next step.
3) Blend soaked cashews until they have a similar consistency of a thick nut butter.
4) In a pan, add coconut milk and heat. When ready to boil add agar agar and boil for 1 min. Remove from heat and add to blender with cashews.
5) Before blending add all other ingredients including Blue Spirullina
6) Pour filling on top of the crust and return to the freezer. Leave for half an hour.
7) Before serving leave the cheesecake to sit for 5 minutes.


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