Pumpkin Buns
Pumpkin buns 🧡🎃
🧡500g flour
🧡10g dry yeast
🧡1 tbsp sugar
🧡pinch of salt
🧡1 tsp @theorganiclabs Yellow Curcumin powder
🧡1+1/2 cup warm oat milk
🧡2 tbsp butter/margarine (room temperature)
-Add flour, dry yeast, sugar, salt and @theorganiclabs Yellow curcumin powder into a stand mixer, pour milk and knead till smooth.
-Add butter and knead again to get smooth and soft dough. Cover with a damp towel and leave in a warm place until double in size.
-Knock the air out and knead lightly. Shape into equal size balls and turn around the cotton thread to make the pumpkin shape buns. Leave it to rest 20 min. Brush each pumpkin bun with oat milk and bake 15-20 min 175C preheated oven.
-Remove the threads, brush with melted butter or neutral oil and pop in cinnamon sticks in the middle of each pumpkin bun.