Mango , Passion Fruit and Dunaliella Salina Cheesecake
A tropical mango, passionfruit, and salina vegan cheesecake. 💛 The base is one of our favourites made from a mix of dates, oats, and agave syrup. The cheesecake filling is made using cashew nuts, coconut, mango and @theorganiclab.eu Dunaliella Salina. Its the first time we used this algae in our food but we love the bright orange colour.
Crust ingredients:
- 1 cup of dates (soaked)
- 1 1/2 cup of oats
- 1 tbsp agave syrup
Cheesecake method:
- 1 cup cashews (left soaking overnight)
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- 1/2 cup coconut oil (melted)
- 1/4 cup mango puree
- 1 tbsp @theorganiclab.eu Dunaliella Salina
- 1 tbsp agar agar
1) Blend soaked dates to food processor and blend until it forms a date paste. Then add oats and agave syrup. The mixture should come together into a dough.
2) Line springform deep pan (the cheesecake can be as deep as the pan) with a circle of parchment paper. Then press the crust mixture to the bottom. You can freeze this whilst preparing the next step.
3) Blend soaked cashews until they have a similar consistency of a thick nut butter.
4) In a pan, add coconut milk and heat. When ready to boil add agar agar and boil for 1 min. Remoce from heat and add to blender with cashews.
5) Before blending add all other ingredients including @theorganiclab.eu Dunaliella Salina
6) Pour filling on top of the crust and return to the freezer. Leave for half an hour.
7) Before serving leave the cheesecake to sit for 5 minutes.